A New Way to Teach
InCareK12 is a nationally recognized instructional technology company providing equipment to transform classrooms and meeting spaces.
We specialize in distance learning, security solutions, and school-based healthcare. We help districts implement large-scale projects, often using grant funding.
Serving the Southeast
We’re headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama, and serve school districts and their partners throughout the Southeastern U.S.
Broad Service Offerings
We specialize in distance learning, security solutions, and school-based healthcare.
Grant Funding
We help districts implement large-scale projects, often using grant funding.

Lauderdale County School District Conducts Successful Active Shooter Training Drill
The Lauderdale County School District in Alabama recently completed a highly successful Active Shooter Training Drill, showcasing their commitment to ensuring the safety of students and staff. The training, which brought together multiple agencies and district...
Alabama K-12 Capital Grant – Program Funding Opportunities for Your School
Are you a part of Alabama's educational community? Don't miss out on an exciting opportunity to enhance your K-12 facilities! The Alabama K-12 Capital Grant Program is now accepting applications for its $179 million capital grant fund. What is the Alabama K-12...
InCareK12 Supports Pryor Public Schools in Breaking New Ground With Distance Learning
September 5, 2023 marked a historic day for Pryor Public Schools as they unveiled their new distance learning program, offering college courses through Little Big Horn College for the very first time. Through a fully accredited, transferable college level course, the...
“It was really easy. They came in and did everything.”
–Tara White, Pearl River Schools, Mississippi

Contact Information - Sales Reps
JBrown@InCareK12.com - 205-223-8094
Josh Howard – South Alabama, Southwest Georgia, Florida
JHoward@InCareK12.com - 334-320-3602
Kristy Howard – Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, East Tennessee, North Carolina, West Virginia
KHoward@InCareK12.com - 901-461-9405
Joan McRae – North Alabama, West Tennessee
JMcRae@InCareK12.com - 256-642-9799
Betsy Mitchell – East Alabama, Louisiana
BMitchell@InCareK12.com - 334-313-1524
Jon Parks
JParks@InCareK12.com - 901-484-4211
Contact Information - Support Team
Brigitte Reid – Project Coordinator -
BReid@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1042
Brianna Roberts – K12 Education Consultant -
BRoberts@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1041
Pam Williams – Director of Operations -
PWilliams@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1038
Birmingham Office
Montgomery Office
Meridian Office - Logistics
2121 5th Street Suite 306
Meridian, MS 39301