Campus Security Grant Programs
InCareK12 partners with an industry leader specializing in identifying, securing, and managing grant funding for clients in private, non-profit, and public sectors.
InCareK12 has a long-standing partnership with the industry leader is funding support.
In 2019, InCareK12 and our grant management partners began helping K12 applicants pursue two campus security grant programs: SVPP Grant (DOJ COPS Office) and SSV Grant (DOJ BJA Agency).
InCareK12’s grant support partner offers experience, knowledge, and many other resources. Their sole purpose is help guide applicants through the grant process and make sure every application is competitive.

Contact Information - Sales Reps
Jay Brown – Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Oklahoma
JBrown@InCareK12.com - 205-223-8094
Josh Howard – South Alabama, Southwest Georgia, Florida
JHoward@InCareK12.com - 334-320-3602
Kristy Howard – Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, East Tennessee, North Carolina, West Virginia
KHoward@InCareK12.com - 901-461-9405
Joan McRae – North Alabama, West Tennessee
JMcRae@InCareK12.com - 256-642-9799
Betsy Mitchell – East Alabama, Louisiana
BMitchell@InCareK12.com - 334-313-1524
Jon Parks
JParks@InCareK12.com - 901-484-4211
JBrown@InCareK12.com - 205-223-8094
Josh Howard – South Alabama, Southwest Georgia, Florida
JHoward@InCareK12.com - 334-320-3602
Kristy Howard – Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, East Tennessee, North Carolina, West Virginia
KHoward@InCareK12.com - 901-461-9405
Joan McRae – North Alabama, West Tennessee
JMcRae@InCareK12.com - 256-642-9799
Betsy Mitchell – East Alabama, Louisiana
BMitchell@InCareK12.com - 334-313-1524
Jon Parks
JParks@InCareK12.com - 901-484-4211
Contact Information - Support Team
Brigitte Reid – Project Coordinator -
BReid@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1042
Brianna Roberts – K12 Education Consultant -
BRoberts@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1041
Pam Williams – Director of Operations -
PWilliams@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1038
Birmingham Office
Montgomery Office
Meridian Office - Logistics
2121 5th Street Suite 306
Meridian, MS 39301