10x Stronger Than a Deadbolt
Districts often invest in exterior door controls, but do not focus on threats that may already be in the building. Haven Lock is a simple door tool that was developed by a military special op who wanted to ensure his family’s safety at home, work, and school.
Haven Locks can be controlled by a teacher egress button, administrative location, or through an app.
Teachers or administrators can lock down their classrooms and feel confident they can get all students to safety without the hassle of fumbling with a key in their door.
The accessibility to lock doors or see opened doors from a central administration portal is crucial for kids who may have been in the hallways, or days where substitutes may not remember what protocol to follow.
Ready to learn more about HavenLock?
Watch the video overview below.

Contact Information - Sales Reps
JBrown@InCareK12.com - 205-223-8094
Josh Howard – South Alabama, Southwest Georgia, Florida
JHoward@InCareK12.com - 334-320-3602
Kristy Howard – Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, East Tennessee, North Carolina, West Virginia
KHoward@InCareK12.com - 901-461-9405
Joan McRae – North Alabama, West Tennessee
JMcRae@InCareK12.com - 256-642-9799
Betsy Mitchell – East Alabama, Louisiana
BMitchell@InCareK12.com - 334-313-1524
Jon Parks
JParks@InCareK12.com - 901-484-4211
Contact Information - Support Team
Brigitte Reid – Project Coordinator -
BReid@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1042
Brianna Roberts – K12 Education Consultant -
BRoberts@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1041
Pam Williams – Director of Operations -
PWilliams@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1038
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Meridian, MS 39301