Full-Service Camera Solution
Would you like to draw a circle around an area where an incident happened and be able to quickly identify all motion in that specific area without watching hours of video playback?
With our full service camera solution through Digital Watchdog, you can do just that!
Let the software and cameras do the work and help provide your district with eyes that are always in the right place at the right time!
Learn more with the following videos and data sheet.
Video Management Anywhere, Anytime.
DW Spectrum® IPVMS is an endlessly customizable IP Video Management platform that gives users the ability to create tailored networked video solutions for any type of project, for use by anyone, on any device.

Contact Information - Sales Reps
Jay Brown – Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Oklahoma
JBrown@InCareK12.com - 205-223-8094
Josh Howard – South Alabama, Southwest Georgia, Florida
JHoward@InCareK12.com - 334-320-3602
Kristy Howard – Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, East Tennessee, North Carolina, West Virginia
KHoward@InCareK12.com - 901-461-9405
Joan McRae – North Alabama, West Tennessee
JMcRae@InCareK12.com - 256-642-9799
Betsy Mitchell – East Alabama, Louisiana
BMitchell@InCareK12.com - 334-313-1524
Jon Parks
JParks@InCareK12.com - 901-484-4211
JBrown@InCareK12.com - 205-223-8094
Josh Howard – South Alabama, Southwest Georgia, Florida
JHoward@InCareK12.com - 334-320-3602
Kristy Howard – Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, East Tennessee, North Carolina, West Virginia
KHoward@InCareK12.com - 901-461-9405
Joan McRae – North Alabama, West Tennessee
JMcRae@InCareK12.com - 256-642-9799
Betsy Mitchell – East Alabama, Louisiana
BMitchell@InCareK12.com - 334-313-1524
Jon Parks
JParks@InCareK12.com - 901-484-4211
Contact Information - Support Team
Brigitte Reid – Project Coordinator -
BReid@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1042
Brianna Roberts – K12 Education Consultant -
BRoberts@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1041
Pam Williams – Director of Operations -
PWilliams@InCareK12.com - 334-819-1038
Birmingham Office
Montgomery Office
Meridian Office - Logistics
2121 5th Street Suite 306
Meridian, MS 39301